The Las Cruces FedSoft sponsored tree planting is complete with 2,000+ trees, including over 30 species.
The Las Cruces FedSoft sponsored tree planting is complete with 2,000+ trees, including over 30 species.

News & Updates

The FedSoft sponsored planting at Las Cruces Research Center is Complete!
We planted more than 2,000 trees at the Las Cruces biological Research Station.
See the full story

Did You Know...

The Kapok or World Tree is truly the king of the jungle.
It can grow to 240 feet during its 500+ year lifespan
and was sacred to the Mayans.
Read more about this amazing tree here.

Time & Talent

How can you become part of the ‘Butterfly Effect’?
You can DONATE directly to help plant trees.
You can donate your TIME to help plant trees.
You can share your TALENT of fundraising, marketing, recruiting
or whatever you can bring to help the PRFRP team.

Reclaim rainforest in Costa Rica lost to development, giving rise to the ‘Butterfly Effect.’
Support environmental research and education.

The ‘Butterfly Effect’ states that small changes can create large, far-reaching outcomes.
Pierella Rainforest Reclamation Project raises money to reclaim clear-cut parcels to transforming them back
into critical, native rainforest. Reclaimed land results in these five ‘Butterfly Effects:’

Carbon Capture
Ecosystem Services
Wildlife Corridors

Become part of the 'Butterfly Effect'