TH _IMG_5224

Science Advisory Committee Charter


The Science Advisory Committee (the “Committee”) of the Pierella Rainforest Reclamation Project shall advise and assist the Board of Directors (the “Board”) and PRFRP and provide recommendations to the Board on strategic scientific research goals to produce quality, timely, usable, and trustworthy research information, including as set forth in the “Responsibilities” section of this Charter. The board shall have oversight of all research, grants awards and internships. The Science Committee shall also closely monitor PRFRP’s reforestation work and develop data-driven best practices for ongoing and future reforestation work by PRFRP.

Composition & Operations

The Chief Scientist shall be the Chair of the Science Committee and additionally serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors. Additionally, one other member of the Board of Directors, appointed by the Chairman, shall be a voting member of the Science Advisory Committee. The Committee shall consist of at least three members in addition to the Chief Scientist and Board member. New members of the Committee may be nominated by any member of the Science committee for approval by the Board, in accordance with the Bylaws. Any member of the Committee can be removed from the Committee at any time by vote of a majority of the Board. In the absence of a Chief Scientist, the Committee shall nominate someone to become Chief Scientist by majority vote within one month of the vacancy, to the Board of Directors for approval

Science Advisory Committee Leadership

The Chair shall serve a term of three (3) years and can serve as Chair for no more than two (2) consecutive terms. The Chair can be removed from such position at any time by vote of a majority of the Board.

The Vice-Chair shall serve a term of two (2) years and can serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms. The Vice-Chair could ascend to Chair either during their initial appointment period or when the Chair either steps down or terms out. A Vice-Chair can be removed from such position at any time by a vote of a majority of the Board. Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected by a majority of the Committee at the Committee meeting when either or both terms expire.  In such case as either Chair or Vice-Chair are no longer able to perform their duties, a Committee or Board member may be assigned that role pro-tem, until a replacement can be voted in by the Committee as above.

Meetings and Quorum

The Science Committee shall meet at least semi-annually. One meeting shall be prior to and within six weeks of the Annual Board Meeting, so that the Annual Report of the Science Committee can be given at the Annual Board Meeting. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Committee. The act of a majority of the members, present at a meeting at which a quorum is present, shall be the act of the Committee.

Any action that may be taken at a meeting of the Committee may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, is approved by a majority of the members of the Committee and such approval is filed with the minutes of the Committee. Such consent shall have the same force and effect as a vote at a meeting.

Committee Operations

The Committee shall meet upon the call of the Committee Chair, upon the call of a majority of its members, or upon the call of the Board Chairperson, provided that reasonable notice has been provided to all Committee members. Meetings may be held in person, by teleconference, or by other electronic means that allow appropriate participation by all members. The Committee may meet periodically in executive session without management present, shall keep minutes of all meetings, and shall report regularly to the Board.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Committee shall have the responsibility for advising and making recommendations to the Board of Directors and PRFRP as defined below, as well as any other responsibilities reasonably related to its purposes or assigned by the Board Chairperson or the Board of Directors. The Chief Scientist shall be responsible for the Annual Science Committee report (see below), which shall be given to the Board at the Annual Meeting, then published on the website after final approval.

The Committee shall serve as a strategic and operational committee of PRFRP and shall not exercise the powers of the Board. The Science Committee shall have oversight of:

  1. Research and scientific program priorities and topics
    1. Reforestation
    2. Biodiversity
    3. Ecosystem Services
    4. Sustainability
    5. Wildlife Services
    6. Carbon Capture
    7. Other topics as appropriate
  2. Oversee creation of the Reforestation Monitoring and Study Research Program
  3. Merit review process for grants applications
  4. Scientific and technical support in grant submissions on behalf of PRFRP
  5. Designation of specific research topics for funding
  6. Active portfolio management by staff PRFRP’s operational management of these four key activities should be consistent, transparent, and effective in achieving a high quality, innovative and efficient product that is respectful of PRFRP stakeholders.

The activities above may include:

  1. Coordinating research projects with partners
  2. Identification of process and prioritization of topics of study and research
  3. Developing criteria to ensure transparency and high-quality oversight of standard operating procedures
  4. Developing optimal strategies for engaging researchers relative to PRFRP’s research portfolio
  5. Collaborating with other committees on areas of common interest

Annual Science Committee Report

Once each year at the Annual Board Meeting the Science Committee shall provide in writing and presentation, the Annual Science Committee Report to the Board. The report shall include, at a minimum:

  1. The annual financial report for the areas under Committee oversight, including:
    1. Budget and expenditures for the year (including results and issues)
    2. Budget requested for the upcoming year
  2. Grants
    1. Report on any Grants (Fellowships, Internships and/or Scholarships) awarded and/or concluded and the results
  3. Scientific Research
    1. Report on Core Areas (Reforestation, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, Sustainability, Wildlife Corridors)
    2. Report on papers, posters, presentations, etc. produced during the year

In addition, the Committee is responsible for:

  1. Overseeing evaluation activities related to the strategic goals identified above, including development of metrics and evaluation of success for all the activities listed above
  2. Coordinating meaningful collaborations with committees, such as Education and Planning
  3. Annually reviewing the Committee Charter, the Committee’s own performance, and coordination with other Committees, and making appropriate recommendations to the Board.

The goal of annual review is to ensure continuous improvement of the process to enhance the quality of the funded research through development of strategic feedback loops and measures.

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