About Us
Our Work
Our work, simply put, is to raise money for the purpose of reclaiming land in Costa Rica that was once rainforest, but was “developed” and stripped of its trees. We will then turn those parcels back into rainforest. That will help with climate change, provide habitat for hundreds of species and slow the negative impact to the earth. There are many reasons rainforest are important to the earth and to us. The initial work is to raise the money so that we can begin the process of bringing the rainforest back to these lands. You can help with this critical first step by donating.
Our Process
We acquire land through donation, perpetual use agreement or purchase. Then we begin the process of reforestation. There’s a lot more to it than planting a few shrubs or letting nature take its course. Our team of scientists, arborists, conservationists, soil experts, mycologists and planners will work over the long haul to ensure the reforested land is clear of invasive species, locks in the maximum about of carbon, and is a habitat to a wide variety of animals and insects. We have a lot more about the process of Reclamation and Reforestation and the benefits (we call them Butterfly Effects) we all derive from this work.
We also use this work as an opportunity to education the next generation of ecological scientists and concerned patrons. Our Research and Education programs are designed to teach the next generation about the importance of the rainforest, and support research in the disciplines involved in our work. We currently support research focused on Carbon Capture and reforestation, and are developing Education Content for educators and students from very early years through advanced high school studies.
Our People
Who are we? We are scientists, business people, students, who all share a concern for the damage done to the planet. To put our concerns into action, we have formed the Pierella Rainforest Reclamation Project, a not-for-profit, tax-deductible US charity. We hope you’ll support our in whatever way you can. Donations go to our land acquisition and reforestation program. We’re also always looking for people who share our passion in doing this good work. We have dedicated volunteers advising, and overseeing our work and actively working our delivering on our vision.